Is shipping safe and secure with regards to cyber risks?

2 min read

In the age of connected ships is shipping safe and secure with regards to cyber risks? George Zervos, Head of Sales, answers this important question which is a key focus for the maritime industry.

We are living in theage of connected ships; do you believe that shipping is safe & secure with regards to cyber risks?

Things are improving. Great shift in attitude and the appreciation for the necessity for it. Multi-layered security.

Constantly evaluating the threat landscape. We’ve delivered and embedded it in our core software suite as standard.

We’ve implemented multiple layers of security in our infrastructure, but customers need to be sure to do the same.

A lot of great services and solutions on the market but they are all pieces or the larger puzzle – it’s great to have a full, segregated network but you need to also make sure you protect the end point.

Speak to GTMaritime today with regards to cyber risks, HERE
